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��Logo: Mad City 100KMad City
Mad City 100K: Random ImageMad City 100K: Random Image
��Logo: Mad City 100K USA 100 km Championships��
Title:Virtual Photo Tour of the Mad City 100K Race Course
Date:Wednesday March 30th, 2011
Author:Race Director- Tim "Timo" Yanacheck
[Default Report Image]Starting post of the Mad City 100K race course
This is a photo tour of the Mad City 100K Race course as it appeared on a winter's morning. The miles are marked with permanent posts named after Madison-area running stars. Click the "View Photos" tab (above) to see the pictures that Timo has published for this virtual tour!

USTAF: America's Running Routes
Want to see an interactive map of our race course? The USA Track & Field website has a database of America's Running Routes. We've identified a route that most closely resembles our course and you can see it by clicking the button (at right) for the website of

Click any thumbnail below for its larger image.
Dedication for milepostsRace day headquartersStarting postA very flat startLooking back toward the start line
Leaving Vilas Park over stone bridgeAcross the stone bridgeEdgewood DriveWoodrow StreetLooking back on Monroe Street sidewalk
Suzy Favor-Hamilton milepostOn bike pathBig sycamore tree along Arbor StreetBike path near Nakoma RoadRod DeHaven milepost
Turn onto Manitou WaySidewalk along Nakoma RoadManitou Way along Nakoma Golf ClubUniversity of Wisconsin ArboretumWestern entrance to Arboretum
In the ArboretumIn the ArboretumIn the ArboretumIn the ArboretumCindy Bremser milepost
In the ArboretumApproaching eastern exit of ArboretumAcross Wingra Creek bridgeWingra Creek bridgeBike path along Wingra Creek
Bike path along Wingra CreekSteve Lacy milepostHenry Vilas Zoo near finish line
Posted:January 18th, 2007 11:30 pm
Last Update:March 30th, 2011 1:10 pm
Last View:August 10th, 2016 3:29 am
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